Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 2011 Card Workshop

What was that I said about "not playing catch up"? Well that plan was great, until I broke my Nikon D40 camera last weekend. :( Yes, I am in mourning. Let's hope that Nikon can work their super powers and fix it up pretty for me. (Do you think they might add some bling too? That would be awesome!)

Anyway, I held my 2nd card workshop in July. I featured three of the paper packs that will be retiring at the end of July - Sweetheart, Wings & Miracle. Here are the cards that we made:

The reason for the two different Paper Lanterns cards? Well, I forgot to factor in annual convention when I placed my order and therefore, the goodies that I wanted for my card workshop did not arrive on time. uh-oh. Never fear, CTMH's wonderful products are easy to mix and match so a few simple changes and I was ready again! So, I decided to share both versions on my blog for fun. :)

Once again, I was pleased with the results and I think everyone had lots of fun. Enjoy!

Monday, July 11, 2011

My 1st Card Workshop

I am playing a little bit of catch up on my blog, which I hope not to have to do in the future. :)

I joined CTMH in May 2011, and I am so glad to officially be a part of the CTMH family after using the products for almost 6 years now!

I held my first card workshop on June 11th and it was a success! The best part of the experience was having my brother show up, and he made all of the cards! How cool is that!?

So here are the cards that we made:

(I provided an alternative to the Father's Day card, in case anyone already bought theirs or didn't need one to begin with.)